Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Kind4k9 Launch Blog

Hello, I am Squiggle and I am in charge of writing the Kind4k9 blog. I work for Kind4k9 as one of their product testers and so I got this extra job for being such a good girl! I hope to keep you updated on what kind4k9 are up to and of course most importantly what I have been doing!  I guess I had better start my first blog by introducing the company. Kind4k9 is predominately an online shop selling stuff for dogs and their owners, but we do have some opportunities to meet customers at one the shows we attend with our trade stand. All kind4k9’s products are selected with care and based on responsible pet ownership and kind effective training & play. We have a behaviourist in charge who keeps a close eye on what dog products we sell.

Anyway enough about that, let me introduce myself. I am Squiggle and I am ‘terrier cross collie type’, I say type as no one is quite sure. I came from Ireland when I was a puppy and then went into rescue over here; in fact it was Second Chance Animal Rescue in Southampton. I was called Susie there but my nickname when I came to live with my new humans was Squiggle and hey it’s stuck!  I only came to live here for a short time for a bit of training but they loved me so much they kept me. So I am about 5 years old now and having spent the first year of my life in kennels I am lacking some social skills but I will tell you all about that another day.

We have had a busy summer at Kind4k9 attending all sorts of shows, I don’t actually go to the shows but I do help with packing ………………………. or is that unpacking stock before they go?.  The show season has now finished for us for this year as we take some time to get up to date with all the other things we need to do like write my blog.

As a product tester for kind4k9 I have to check out all the dog toys, dog treats & dog leads and collars that they bring back from the suppliers to see if they are any good. I leave all the dog shampoos and things to the rest of the team as I really don’t like water, there is whole team of testers and all our photos are on our meet the team page on our website, check it out and see who else works here.

Today I was busy sleeping in the office chair when I was presented with a Thrive Chicken Treat………………….well I have to say there are ruder ways to wake up a girl, it was yummy. I spent the next half hour trying to find the packet so I could stare at it until the humans gave me another one, it usually works, but I could not find the packet! It will be around here somewhere but in the meantime as I was awake they said I needed to get on and write the Kind4k9 blog. So here is your first instalment, hope you liked it and I will be back very soon……………. But first back to finding those Thrive Chicken Treats, they were in a tube that said they were kind and gentle on delicate tummies, I think it also said they were 100% natural. Sounds like they would be good for me if only I could find them……………..but there must be more in the stock room, now where is that ladder?!

Love from Squiggle

Kind4k9 blog author and Chief product tester.