Thursday, 16 August 2012

Kind4k9 believes animal welfare is of the highest priority

Herrroow Squiggle Here:)

It has been a while since I wrote my blog, that is because as we have been so busy here at Kind4k9 that I have hardly had time to borrow things from the stock room let alone write a blog! I call it borrowing but the humans call it stealing, but what I don’t understand is if I am chief tester how can it be stealing, it’s my job to test things as I won’t have them selling any old rubbish. We at kind4 k9 only stock good quality products as we care about the type of toys your dogs play with, the quality of the shampoo you bath them in and the ingredients in the treats and snack you feed them. We want your dogs to have the best there is. The wellbeing and welfare of your dog is our highest priority and if it’s not good enough for me then it sure aint good enough for your dog.

We have had a busy summer attending shows selling our lovely dog products and making sure other dogs get the chance to get their owners to buy them the best!

We are always happy to receive enquires from customer wanting to make sure they get the right product for their dog so just get in touch if you need some help.

Over the summer I have also been busy on twitter (@squiggledog) where I chat wiv my dog and humans friends about all sorts but one campaign on twitter this year has been one close to my heart. I did not always have such great humans looking after me and when Alfie started his campaign to improve the legislation for animal welfare then it got me interested.

Alfie is a 6 month old Bearded Collie who has discovered in his short life the harsh world of animal cruelty after joining twitter. So many horror stories came to light that he and his mum did some research into why this is so prevalent.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 states that cases can only be tried in magistrates courts & carry a maximum sentence of six months & or a £20,000 fine. The RSPCA currently bring cases to court via costly private prosecutions as Animal Cruelty surprisingly to most is NOT part of our criminal justice system

Alfie’s Petition is asking for tougher sentences, & for animal cruelty to be part of the criminal justice system so that lifetime bans can be properly monitored & supervised as there appears to be no adequate system in place at present & serious offences can be heard in Crown Court where a Jury can hear cases & much harsher sentences imposed.

The result of this petition being passed would be a more transparent view of animal cruelty & links being made swiftly with other forms of abuse, violence, anti- social behaviour & substance misuse that would improve detection rates.

This link is most useful & explains the justice gap that currently exists in the UK

If you care about animal welfare in the UK then please sign this petition and do one better ask your friends to as well.  If everyone helps we will be able to make a difference.

Anyway I must go now as I still have stock to relocate as the show season is underway  and I like to check in what they pack and sometimes move things about a bit………………. If I get the chance.

Will be blogging again soon, once I have done all my product testing. Keep your eye on to see what I choose J

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